Special Events

Upcoming events

The club's Memorial Day event will be Saturday May 25. There will be one 10-end blind-draw game followed by lunch. Main menu items will be Chicago Hot Dogs and Sausage and Peppers, plus chips, soft drinks, and ice cream. The game will start at 10AM - please arrive by 9:30AM.   

$10 includes LUNCH and ENTRY FEE  ($5 will go towards cash prizes for top three teams)

LUNCH ONLY: $5 for club members; $10 for guests

New players must have at least three games experience bowling in club games to participate in the game. (There's still plenty of time to get that three game experience!)

A sign-up sheet is posted outside the games shack. Payment must be received by 5PM Monday May 20. If you're coming to pay when the shack is closed, there's a newly installed locked mailbox on the shack door. (Envelopes may not be available when the shack is closed, so come prepared if paying by cash.)

Past Events